A free, online modular resource for educators.

Mental illness most often begins in adolescence; yet the people who work with teenagers on a daily basis are often unprepared to recognize and understand mental illness. Teacher education programs rarely address mental health literacy, resulting in teacher graduates who are at a disadvantage when they enter the workforce. LEARN Mental Health was developed to address this need based on the results of a national scoping exercise and input from more than 30 educational institutions and organizations across Canada.

The faculties of education from St. Francis Xavier University, Western University, and the University of British Columbia, partnered with mentalhealthliteracy.org to build a comprehensive mental health literacy resource for educators.

This online modular-based resource can be used as a self-guided course or in individual modules by those wishing to develop their mental health literacy.

© This material is under copyright. It cannot be altered, modified or sold. It is meant for educational purposes only and is not a guide to diagnosis or treatment. Permission is granted for printing and distribution of this resource in classroom settings.